[Official Video] Janelle Monae - "Electric Lady"
BOOM! Spotlight Feature: Desiree McKinney
BOOM! SpotLight: Desiree McKinney
This Month's BOOM! Spotlight feature is Model, Actress and Singer Desiree McKinney. Based in Houston Texas, This triple threat is blazing a trail that is leading her all the way to the top. She has been featured in a variety of commercials, shorts and full-length films the latest being "ZombeX" which was just picked up in LA, where she plays a zombie killer. She has also had a recurring role on NBC's Friday Night Lights as "Chante" and Disney's "As the Bell Rings" as "Desiree. Her passion and drive is evident as she spreads her talent across entertainment's landscape. See Desiree's Resume Here.
Her latest EP " A Squares Daughter" is a revelation of her being Daddy's little girl but also a woman who is relentless and determine to live her dreams. Her Music has been featured on major networks including Oxygen's Bad Girl's Club.

She's shot with world renowned photographers including Simon Gentry who has shot for Vogue and other publications. Her electric, outgoing, fun personality is undeniable and her resume is a true reflection of her determination to succeed and trust me she will... Follow her +Desiree Mckinney @DesireeMcKinney and remember who told you she was next!
-Dj Nia Boom

Her latest EP " A Squares Daughter" is a revelation of her being Daddy's little girl but also a woman who is relentless and determine to live her dreams. Her Music has been featured on major networks including Oxygen's Bad Girl's Club.

She's shot with world renowned photographers including Simon Gentry who has shot for Vogue and other publications. Her electric, outgoing, fun personality is undeniable and her resume is a true reflection of her determination to succeed and trust me she will... Follow her +Desiree Mckinney @DesireeMcKinney and remember who told you she was next!
-Dj Nia Boom
New Music Podcasts with Dj Nia BooM on BlogTalkRadio
BOOM! Spotlight Feature,
Desiree McKinney,
Rock Steady Crew 37th Anniversary! [Recap] SummerStage

Heaven on earth for Hip-Hop Heads, the show brought out not only the Legends and pioneers but special guests including Keith Murray, Kool Herc, Onxy and more. It was a perfect summer day here in New York City for such a dope historical event. Photos Courtesy of @JBoogieLovePhotography captured the essence perfectly. Pictured on the left Def Squad member, Yonkers Rapper, Keith Murray "the most Beautifulist" was in the house. Below is an iconic shot of the Rock Steady Crew! Shoutout to the entire crew especially one of the legendary pioneers, "Crazy Legs" Fredo and Sticky Fingers aka Onyx were also in attendance giving crazy energy! btw Make sure you check out their new album #WAKEDAFUCUP on iTunes now. The Ruler Slick Rick was also in the house still rockin' the most chains I ever seen anybody rock. Legendary. Brooklyn's own SmoothedaHustler, Trigga the Gambler and MOP killed the stage and Steele from Smif N' Wessun also made a guest appearance. On the one's and twos the Legendary DJ Red Alert , Kool Herc and Tony Touch set the stage on fire. This was no doubt an unforgettable celebration of the true art form known as Hip-Hop.

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10th Annual Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival - Minister Farrakhan: God and Hip-Hop
This year's Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival was no doubt history making. Jay Electronica took it to another level when recruited members from The Nation of Islam to not only perform with him but to escort him and other acts on and off stage. It was truly a breathtaking sight. When I first saw them I immediately stopped what I was doing and couldn't take my eyes off them. Minister Louis Farrakhan also noticed there presence and he had a few word to say...
July 21, 2014
A Special Message Regarding Jay Electronica’s July 12, 2014 Performance at The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival in New York
Special Note—After making this statement, Minister Farrakhan wanted to impart the following to the readers: “Below is just a humble and loving communique to all who are followers of Islam and students of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad under my leadership. And to all of our people who knowingly and unknowingly are involved in a process bigger than themselves (The Resurrection).”
I am very proud of the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) and the Believers who stood with Brother Jay Electronica as he delivered what he delivered to the people gathered in Brooklyn at The Hip Hop Festival in New York.
I understand that some criticized Brother Jay Electronica’s use of profanity while wearing the uniform of the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) of The Nation of Islam. I humbly and respectfully ask: Has any of us who have accepted Islam and its required high degree of moral excellence and civilization ever said or done anything that is less than representative of what we believe? I am sure that all of us, if we are honest, would have to say that we have. Is the uniform that represents us as the Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization Class (M.G.T.) or F.O.I. more important than that which we say we believe and should represent 24 hours a day? If we violate our own teachings or make mistakes in how we handle our teachings and ourselves with respect to our moral teachings, do we not expect and desire Allah (God) to be forgiving and merciful to us, particularly if we petition for His forgiveness? Of course we do. (Read Holy Qur’an, Surah 26 “The Poets,” verses 78-82 - Abraham speaking of and to The Lord of The Worlds)
Is Brother Jay perfect in his representation? Of course not. Are we 100 percent in our representation? Of course not. As persons who have accepted righteousness as our standard of intellectual and moral conduct are considered “those who are striving to be upright,” then there is much room in all of us for improvement.
So if any of us have said anything that is offensive in the dialogue that has ensued, in these closing days of our Ramadan fast, let us ask Allah (God) to forgive us, for I am sure that for most of us the intention of our hearts was not to do evil but to encourage a better representation, a more perfect representation of what we believe. Then let us be the first to exemplify what we are encouraging Jay Electronica and other Muslims, and our people, to do.
The Messiah is One Who is encouraging the steps that each and every human being makes in the process of reconciliation to God and resurrection to our original position with Him. I am like a parent who is watching the steps that our people are making and that we are making in the process of resurrection. What parent seeing its child making its first steps walking toward its mother and father dressed in a diaper that needs changing will think of the diaper change? No parent will think of the diaper change; the parent will praise the steps that the child is making, knowing that the parents still have a little more work to do in teaching and training that the child may one day be “potty trained.”
Jesus, in The Gospel (John 8:1-11), gave a beautiful picture that describes our work today. A woman was found in adultery and brought to Jesus for Jesus to agree the adultery she was found in, according to the law sent down by Moses, required that she should be stoned to death. All of those who came had their stones ready—but Jesus, The Messiah, kneeled down and wrote in the sand, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” And none of those who came to stone her could throw a stone. Being perfect in his righteousness, Jesus said, “Woman, where are your accusers? Neither do I accuse you”; then he gave this command to her, “Go and sin no more.”
The Work of The Messiah is to reconcile fallen man into oneness with God. That is a process that puts all who are a part of The Messiah’s Work on a journey that is exceedingly difficult. Sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down; but nevertheless, we are encouraged to get up, dust off, and keep moving toward the goal. So let us not be like the self-righteous hypocrites of that day when Jesus refused to accuse the woman whom they say was found in adultery. Let us not strain at “a gnat,” and swallow “the camel” of our own evil.
I am grateful to Allah for my young brother and his effort to represent that which he has come into the knowledge of. I am thankful to Allah for his work among the youth! Is it not they whom Allah desires for us to save from the evil intentions of our and their enemy?
So let us in this month of Ramadan, this month of fasting where we deny ourselves that which is natural (food and drink and companionship with our mates during the daylight hours); let us who are fasting from the natural desires to give us strength to overcome the unnatural desires of stealing and lying and cheating and covetousness and the evil of this world’s life: Let us ask Allah’s (God’s) forgiveness. And as we ask it for ourselves, let us be quick to forgive others as well.
In closing: I was one of the 85 Percent, according to our Lessons, deceived by the 10 Percent; but when I met the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and bore witness to him and The Great Mahdi, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praise is due forever, I became one of the 5 Percent, “The Poor Righteous Teachers,” who know The Law of Cause and Effect, and are busy every day teaching the 85 Percent that are victims, slaves and tools of the wicked 10 Percent.
So, if someone offered me what Brother Jay Electronica was offered by Brother Jay Z, I too would accept it with the biggest smile on my face, for I too, as all of us in The Nation of Islam, are The Five Percent: Poor Righteous Teachers who are called to teach the 85 Percent, and free them from the chains of slavery and subservience as tools of the 10 Percent.
May Allah’s peace be with all of us, and may He grant us forgiveness for any shortcomings that we may have and have manifested. And if it is The Will of Allah, I hope that I will soon meet Brother Jay Electronica to guide him in The Great Work that I know he will do for The Cause of Islam.
Ramadan Mubarak. As-Salaam Alaikum.
Your brother and servant,
Your brother and servant,
Rock Steady Crew 37th Anniversary in NYC [SummerStage] w/ Slick Rick, MOP, Cormega, DAS EFX
The 37th Anniversary of the infamous B- Boys known as the "Rock Steady Crew" is finally upon us. Founded by Jimmy D and JoJo in da Bronx in 1977 they were the baddest crew around and it wasn't easy to get on. But oneday a kid named "Crazy Legs" and his homie "B-Boy Fresh"came and changed the game. They began battling crews in Manhattan and all 5 boroughs and made hip-hop history when they battled their rival the "Dynamic Rockers. The Rock Steady Crew rose to fame as the greatest break dancing hip-hop crew in the world and this Sunday you can witness Hip-Hop history live and direct from New York City's Central Park. Celebrate the culture and the art with the Rock Steady Crew along with other Hip-Hop heavy hitters and pioneers like DJ Red Alert, Slick Rick, MOP, Large Professor, Smoothe da Hustler, DJ Tony Touch, Cormega, DAS EFX and other special guests. Summerstage is a FREE event for all ages #KeepHipHopAlive #RockSteady37th - DJ Nia Boom

3rd Annual Fleet DJ Conference in ATL July 24 - 27th
It's going down! this weekend in Atlanta the Fleet Takeover! the 3rd Annual Fleet DJ Music Conference starts today in ATL. I upset I couldn't make it this year because of what happened on my birthday *clears throat* but I know I am going to miss out on the event of the year. Meet and Greets, Power Panels, Exclusive parties and more! If you are in area make sure you take advantage and network with some of the industry hottest tastemakers while enjoying the hiphop mecca of the south. #FDMC14
Reagan Gomez: Almost Home Episode 4.

Dejuan is getting frustrated with the music business but Lisa is not trying to hear that. Plus! a cameo from my girl Cynthia McWilliams who also plays Kevin Hart's lawyer on
BET's Husband's of Hollywood.
Get Ready for Season 3! #TheBOOMshow
I first want to extend a warm thank to everyone who has supported the #theNiaBRadioShow #TheBoomShow, #HighpowerRadio, me and my team. We had such a dope season and some amazing guests including Queensley Felix from OWN's Houston Beauty, Grammy Nominated R&B Soul Singer J. Holiday, Joya Bravo, Tiffany from VH1's Love and Hip-Hop NY and Tiffany from VH1'a Black Ink Crew, Smoothe Da Hustler, Smif N' Wessun Firewaterr Red Star, MJG, Rapper and Actor Fredo Starr, Desiree McKinney The Source Magazine Editor in Chief, Kim Osario, Josh McNeal, MC Eiht, Queen, Author Willie Stewart, Word Spit and many many more. We covered the Global Spin awards, the MTV Awards which btw for the first time took place right here in Brooklynnnnnn! and covered the now infamous 10th Anniversary of the Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival. We also had some really intense and sometimes funny conversations on a variety of topics including the Government ShutDown, Gun Violence, Romance and Relationships, Celebrity Shenanigans and more. Annnnd can't forget about the Dating game lol and Open Mic Night. As always we had a ball and can't wait for the next season. We have soo many new ideas and segments in store for you trust me you will be entertained and enlightened. In the meantime you can catch up on past shows in the archives onwww.blogtalkradio.com/highpowerradio and follow me on Twitter and Instagram @DJNiaBoom We will officially return on Monday Sep 15th!
If you are interested in becoming apart of the team. We are looking for Djs, Radio Personalities, Co-hosts and Social media interns for Season 3. Send your resume and/or brief description of your experience to nbrbooking@gmail.com.
If you are interested in becoming apart of the team. We are looking for Djs, Radio Personalities, Co-hosts and Social media interns for Season 3. Send your resume and/or brief description of your experience to nbrbooking@gmail.com.
Tiny & T.I "What the F@^k You Gon’ Do?"
Damn, Tiny and T.I have been goin through it. First rumors T.I got his manager pregnant and was dating his protege "Iggy Azalea" then he goes for Floyd Mayweather at Fatburger then Floyd claims he slept with Tiny (which I hope is a lie) and now T.I and Tiny have taken it to the studio. Both have dropped singles prompting the question what is really goin on!? Watching T.I and Tiny's Family Hustle I have to admit there does seems to be a lack of passion in their relationship but there is no doubt they love each other. T.I's track "Stay" is a sentimental tribute and Tiny's "what the F*ck you gon do" is well, self explanatory. When a women's fed up… I wish them both the best. I love love and hope they can work through this if not for them for their beautiful family only time will tell… - Nia Boom
Drake vs Kendrick Lamar Battle Cartoon
Lol Hilarious look at Ab-Soul , School Boy Q and Snoop! is that J. Cole lol
Common LIVE at the Gramercy in NYC
J Holiday & Jon B the HighLine BallRoom NYC

HBD! to all my Cancer Babies #WeRunShit
DjNia Boom
[Video] Nas "Represent"
Nas continues to celebrate a double decade of Illmatic with a spanking-new video for track nine, "Represent."The video, shot at the YouTube Space Los Angeles, finds Nas plopped down on a couch, puffing from a cigar and watching black-and-white footage of his own old videos ("Nas Is Like," "One Mic") and the 1924 silent flick The Thief of Bagdad, the soundtrack from which DJ Premier sampled for the classic record. Brian Katz won a Mass Appeal- and Nas-sponsored contest to earn the directorial nod, along with Mass Appeal's Jason Goldwatch.
Via: Vibe.com
10th Anni Brooklyn HipHop Fest by Nia Boom
Chuck D's "the AGEncy" 21st Century
Chuck D has a new initiative and unless you've been on Mars you saw this coming. Chuck D has always been vocal about the status of Hip-hop and those who represent it. "The Agency of the Gods" as it is dubbed was launched on April 20th 2014 (Hmmm). It's purpose is to celebrate the starring players of Hip-Hop including but not limited to Recording Artists, Producers and DJ's hailing them as "Rap Gods" It is a Hip-Hop Booking Agency with a minor in management. The roster currently consist of Legendary Hip-Hop Artists, DJ's and Spoken word teams.
Transformers "Stop Motion" Attack! lol
Autobots transform! Haha this is one of the funniest, most creative, entertaining videos I've seen in a while. Whatever they was smoking I want sum ;) Im not really a fan of going to the movies these days so I think this is a perfect alternative and from the looks of it might be better than the one currently in theaters. Courtesy of Gizmodo, as always thanks!
DJ Nia Boom Interviews @SB_SurfsUp 7|7|14
Catch my Interview with Hip-Hop Artist
LIVE! Mon. July 7th 323-443-7518 #official #DJNIABOOM http://www.blogtalkradio.com/highpowerradio/2014/07/08/interview-special-guest-hip-hop-artist-sb-surfs-up …
John Da Baptist - "New York" (I want to be a part of it)
[Video] Mase "Nothing" ft. Eric Bellinger
Mase is baaaack, But is it a good thing? Not sure how I really feel about it. Doesn't look or sound like he's evolved as an artist. Still got that slow monotone flow. It's 2014 homie you gotta give us more. On another note Malaysia (from VH1's Basketball Wives, but not a Basketball wife anymore) looks flawless. If you were a fan of Mase before then you'll be satisfied if not, you are like I, not impressed. Next…
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